Working with me, Cognitive Hypnotherapy & Trance
How does it work?
Cognitive Hypnotherapy is like a conversation between you and me where we discuss your issue and any underlying habits that are connected to it. We can then work together to find your ideal solution and help you to move towards it, overcoming any blocks that may be in the way. My belief is that we are all unique and as such any treatment plan is made specifically for each person I work with.

Trance is an everyday occurance.
When you are stuck in traffic, on a train or tube journey and find yourself ‘staring into space’. During a commercial break on the TV, when you suddenly realise that you were ‘somewhere else’. This is simply when you are using your sub-concious or an altered state of consciousness that is called trance. This ‘auto-pilot’ is an everyday occurance, which is commonplace and it is when we are in these states that our conscious mind is not in control. Which would explain why you can eat half a pack of biscuits while watching telly! It is also while we are in this state, that our unconscious mind is more accessible and able to be interpreted and if we wish, can be adjusted or re-programmed.

Trance is an everyday occurance.
When you are stuck in traffic, on a train or tube journey and find yourself ‘staring into space’. During a commercial break on the TV, when you suddenly realise that you were ‘somewhere else’. This is simply when you are using your sub-concious or an altered state of consciousness that is called trance. This ‘auto-pilot’ is an everyday occurance, which is commonplace and it is when we are in these states that our conscious mind is not in control. Which would explain why you can eat half a pack of biscuits while watching telly! It is also while we are in this state, that our unconscious mind is more accessible and able to be interpreted and if we wish, can be adjusted or re-programmed.

A simple explaination
Perhaps you might prefer to watch a video to see and hear an explaination of how Cognitive Hypnotherapy works, by it’s founder and the person who trained me, Trevor Sylvester.
It is only three minutes or so and a simple, straightforward explaination.
Some common client questions
1. Does Cognitive Hypnotherapy work?
The short answer is, yes it does. It is an evidence based therapy with each session tailor made to suit each client. Adressing your needs and goals, while taking into account your issue, situation and the speed at which you can work. As part of this therapy, we work within your model of the world, what you feel, what your believe, without the need to label your issue.
2. What does it feel like?
It differs for everyone. Most of the time we are just talking and on some occasions you will have your eyes closed. You are always in control and by using your natural trance state ( if you haven’t seen the video above, see below) we can access your unconcious to help find the source of the issue and create the best solution for you.
3. Can everyone be hypnotised?
This question assumes that you will be ‘put you into some deep, deep sleep’ to access your unconcious mind in an effort to reprogramme it.
This is not what I do.
I work with natural trance states, like when you are on ‘auto-pilot’. As my client, you are just having a conversation with me, whilst sometimes having your eyes closed. This is just using your own natural ability to use everyday trance, which makes your unconcious more accessable. You might, however, end up feeling a little more relaxed as part of this process.
4. How many sessions does it take?
Everyone is different and so the number of sessions required will vary for each person. Depending on the issue, the depth of it and the willingness and ability to engage with the treatment and work towards their chosen solution. I will always check with each client how they are progressing and if they feel they have reached their goals and no longer require treatment. As an average taken from my past clients, most people use between 4 and 8 sessions.
5. Have you dealt with this issue before?
As I said above, we are all unique. While I may have not met you yet, I have had a great deal of varied client issues presented to me over the years. From fear of public speaking, to a wide range of phobias, (spiders, dogs, even certain food types,) social anxiety, sexual performance, to name a few. However, I understand that we all do our problems differently even if it sounds similar to someone else’s.
6. How much will it cost?
I charge by the session for my therapy and as there is no set number of sessions, the cost will vary. (One client may need more or less sessions than any other.) Depending on where we see each other, the prices per session vary. You can take a look here for my prices and contact information.
7. Does it work for everyone?
I have spent many years helping a great many people to resolve their issues. There is no guarantee with any therapy and while I believe in what I do, I also understand that “There is no therapy that works everyone but for every one there is a therapy that works”.
8. I have had this problem for years, surely It will take ages to help me?
My experience has shown me that, when we are willing to change something, it can happen very quickly indeed. Some clients have reported feeling better after our first session. If you are willing to work with me to achieve your desired outcome, then it can be possible to reslove most issues.
9. Can we just talk it through?
Absolutely. I am happy to offer you a free consultation, via phone, where we can discuss what issue is giving you problems and the possibility of working together. This will also give you the oportunity to ask me any questions you may have regarding Cognitive Hypnotherapy and how I work. Thus giving you the chance to better make an informed decision about working together with me. The choice is then yours to make and you are under no obligation.
10. How do we begin?
Easy, just ‘click’ on the buton below to find my contact information and then choose which option you prefer. Take your time and have a good look around my website, to find out more if you wish. We can then arrange a time to talk it through. Afterwards, if you feel ready and curious as to what it might be like working together with me, then you can take action to help yourself.